Wednesday, December 1, 2010
James will be 5 weeks tomorrow and he is looking more like a little chubby cheeked baby and less like a little newborn everyday. He's already outgrown some of his newborn clothes and I definitely experienced my first little twinge of sadness that he is already growing up! If I have that feeling now, then I know I'd better brace myself for the next, oh - rest of my life. Right now he is snuggled up in the Moby Wrap (love the Moby) and we are getting ready to for a trip to the grocery and to go get our Christmas Tree! I will be sure to take some pics of James and his first tree.
In the meantime, here's my little man on Thanksgiving looking sharp in his new vest from Granny.
Sometimes the cuteness is just too much (and then he gets cuter).
In the meantime, here's my little man on Thanksgiving looking sharp in his new vest from Granny.
Sometimes the cuteness is just too much (and then he gets cuter).
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wow. I have really neglected you, little blog! I guess that is because I have had my hands full - literally. The past 3 weeks have really flown by in a succession of feedings, diaperings and soothing - with some sleep thrown in there. Emphasis on SOME. We are all tired (well, maybe not James) but we are enjoying our new parenthood. James seems to be changing right before our eyes and is so much fun to watch him begin to develop his own little personality. He isn't afraid to let us know what he wants, but he is so sweet and calm at the same time. He loves to eat and he loves to stare at his Dad (I think it's the beard).
Here are some new pics. Trust me - they don't even do justice to the cuteness. But again, I am his mama :)
Here are some new pics. Trust me - they don't even do justice to the cuteness. But again, I am his mama :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
James Wyatt Parker was born on Thursday, October 28th at 1:38 pm! We are so overwhelmingly happy, in love and exhausted. We are at home now and about to have our first night "on our own". Since we are currently learning to be parents and going through all the emotions that come with that- it might be a few days before I can post again. I am also recovering from a c-section, so it's sort of making every little task difficult right now. Thankfully, I am married to the most amazing husband ever who has transformed into the most amazing father ever, right before my eyes. James and I are in good hands. Cue the hormonal crying!
In the meantime, please check out this perfect little boy. I can't stop looking at him and you can see why.
In the meantime, please check out this perfect little boy. I can't stop looking at him and you can see why.
Monday, October 25, 2010
A quick update before we go for our FORTY week doctor's appointment. Well, here I am at home, on maternity leave, patiently (not really) waiting for some sign that Baby P might be coming soon. The only real indication I have is the fact that I am huge right now! So, he has to come out at some point, right? Honestly, people warned me that the anticipation and waiting is torturous. It is. I am just trying to stay busy. Enjoying my quiet house and time with Matt - although the Falcons game really burst the "quiet time" bubble yesterday.
So, we have an appointment in about an hour. We get to see Baby P via ultrasound for the first time since 20 weeks, so I am looking forward to that. We are hopeful for some progress and/or a plan for the next week or so.
More to come!
So, we have an appointment in about an hour. We get to see Baby P via ultrasound for the first time since 20 weeks, so I am looking forward to that. We are hopeful for some progress and/or a plan for the next week or so.
More to come!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Tomorrow (Monday) I will be 39 weeks. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we will be parents sometime in the next 2 weeks. The hospital won't let me go more than a week past my due date (10/25) so Baby P will be with us by Halloween, in my opinion. Honestly, I just don't physically feel like I am about to have a baby! I feel pretty good for being as pregnant as I am - just with no stamina. My belly is huge and I actually think I will miss it in a weird way. Being pregnant has been such an amazing time and has really impacted my body image and my appreciation for my health. I hope I still feel the same way when I am back to "normal." Not to say I don't look in the mirror and complain about how big I am or how full my face is. But in all, I think it's been a really good thing for me. The back pain, aching hips and lovely new stretch marks, I can do without.
In other news, John has been shipped off to the Dominican Republic for off-season baseball and won't be back until the end of November. I absolutely hate that he will miss the birth of his first nephew, but he has to be there and it's really good for him to be playing. Hopefully he can get in a lot of uncle time when he gets back, since he'll be home for two months. The life of a MLB player isn't always glamorous, people!
Here's a photo of the Hester side of the family from last weekend when my brother was home - minus Dad, who was taking the photo. It looks like my backyard is a forest. Now we need a Parker family pic!
Monday, October 4, 2010
At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life
At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wow. I really can't believe I have 28 days until my due date. Maybe more? Maybe less? It seems so far away! I know most first time mamas go over their due date on average about a week, but my doc won't let us go more than a week past (thank god). So, we at least know Baby P will be here by Halloween! Don't think I didn't get him a little festive onesie. I thought I would hold off on dressing him in a costume in the first week of life. I mean, he will have been through enough at that point, right?
As far as how I am feeling - well, relatively good, I guess. I am really tired and my feet and ankles have been swelling like lovely elephant feet almost every night. Whether it's catching spills or preventing me from rolling over easily at night - my belly is frequently becoming more of an obstacle. Sleeping comfortably is still a challenge and I never really feel very rested, but I kind of expected that. I think the main thing I am dealing with right now is anxiety about labor - when, where, how, etc. After our childbirth class a couple weeks ago, I have been waking up (or lying awake) thinking about labor and the unknown. The class was great and it was so beneficial for both of us, especially Matt. Who, by the way has also admitted to lying awake at night thinking about all things baby. I imagine we are both laying in bed next to each other with our eyes wide open! Anyway, back to the class. It was an almost all day affair and there were are about 15 couples in the class. Everyone seemed to be about as far along as we are and about as clueless as we are. I think the most informative aspect was the part about postpartum care - which should be renamed "The Part that NO ONE Wants to Talk About". They passed around a box with items needed in postpartum care and each of the husbands had to pull one out and say what they thought it was used for. What did Matt get? Witch Hazel Pads - in other words hemorrhoid pads. At least he didn't get the condoms like the guy next to us.
Next up - breast feeding class! Oh how my weekends have changed!
Oh and happy 31st birthday to my amazingly smart, funny, handsome, handy, creative and always positive husband. You just get better with age! Seems like yesterday we were celebrating your 21st, but I don't really remember. Hmmm.
As far as how I am feeling - well, relatively good, I guess. I am really tired and my feet and ankles have been swelling like lovely elephant feet almost every night. Whether it's catching spills or preventing me from rolling over easily at night - my belly is frequently becoming more of an obstacle. Sleeping comfortably is still a challenge and I never really feel very rested, but I kind of expected that. I think the main thing I am dealing with right now is anxiety about labor - when, where, how, etc. After our childbirth class a couple weeks ago, I have been waking up (or lying awake) thinking about labor and the unknown. The class was great and it was so beneficial for both of us, especially Matt. Who, by the way has also admitted to lying awake at night thinking about all things baby. I imagine we are both laying in bed next to each other with our eyes wide open! Anyway, back to the class. It was an almost all day affair and there were are about 15 couples in the class. Everyone seemed to be about as far along as we are and about as clueless as we are. I think the most informative aspect was the part about postpartum care - which should be renamed "The Part that NO ONE Wants to Talk About". They passed around a box with items needed in postpartum care and each of the husbands had to pull one out and say what they thought it was used for. What did Matt get? Witch Hazel Pads - in other words hemorrhoid pads. At least he didn't get the condoms like the guy next to us.
Next up - breast feeding class! Oh how my weekends have changed!
Oh and happy 31st birthday to my amazingly smart, funny, handsome, handy, creative and always positive husband. You just get better with age! Seems like yesterday we were celebrating your 21st, but I don't really remember. Hmmm.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
We set up the new camera to take a pic the other night when I got home from work. I really wanted to get a pic of all of us from this time in our lives and realized I hardly had any of Matt. Please note the beard action Matt has going on. I thought this was going away, but alas it is still here. Maybe he is trying to look older to prepare for fatherhood. Maybe he just thinks beards are cool. I can't figure it out. Actually, my brother is also sporting a sweet one lately so I guess there is a beard trend going on. But I digress. I also want you to note the calm, well behaved dogs! Well, there is only one reason for this and it's spelled b-a-l-l. Matt set it up on the table and they will sit perfectly still for an hour if they have to for that thing. We actually got a rare Java pic!
I love our little family.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I work with some pretty fabulous people. Last Friday, they threw me an awesome baby shower in true Resource style. We had Willy's and the most amazing cupcakes for dessert. Literally, the icing was bigger than the cake part. Besides having an all around lovely time - Baby P and I got some sweet stuff - sidenote: Resourcers have impeccable taste :)
Here are some photos from the shower extravaganza.
Ooohhhh. Someone got a BlaBla Doll (actually - two)!
Here are some photos from the shower extravaganza.
Ann and Tracey!
Ooohhhh. Someone got a BlaBla Doll (actually - two)!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers – which he'll need to regulate his body temperature once he's born – are filling her out, making his rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
Also, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that went well - it was uneventful to say the least - which is good! I have another in 2 weeks and then we start going every week! I can't believe I am nearing the end of this pregnancy. It's really hard to wrap my mind around it right now. I have moments of intense anxiety and moments of complete happiness and excitement. It's truly a roller coaster and is an exercise in letting go - something that is hard for me to do. I have to realize that I can't control when he'll be here. I can't control how labor will go. I can't control anything but taking care of myself, Matt and the baby. And right now, that's fine with me!
Monday, September 6, 2010
We got back from Emily's wedding in Asheville over the weekend and it was a much needed get away! The weather could not have been more perfect, or the festivities, for that matter. We stayed downtown and got to get out and walk around some. I was in the wedding and thankfully the dress was really cute with the big baby bump I am now sporting. The ceremony was outside in a little glen area across from the reception at The Homewood. It was absolutely Asheville and absolutely Emily. I am so happy for one of my oldest and best friends. She was a gorgeous bride and looked like a little wood fairy. I am glad to be back home but can't wait to get back to NC!
The only drawback to the weekend was that I was so exhausted. The not sleeping thing is really catching up with me and poor Matt has to hear about it all the time. I am obsessed with finding a solution to my sleep position problem. I have found that propping myself up in a reclining position helps, so I am going to try that tonight again. Paired with the constant bathroom trips and heart burn, I actually dread laying down for the night! That is not a problem I have ever had!
Well, I won't bore you readers with any more of my uncomforts. I know how lucky and I am! I just never realized how much you take the little things for granted!
The only drawback to the weekend was that I was so exhausted. The not sleeping thing is really catching up with me and poor Matt has to hear about it all the time. I am obsessed with finding a solution to my sleep position problem. I have found that propping myself up in a reclining position helps, so I am going to try that tonight again. Paired with the constant bathroom trips and heart burn, I actually dread laying down for the night! That is not a problem I have ever had!
Well, I won't bore you readers with any more of my uncomforts. I know how lucky and I am! I just never realized how much you take the little things for granted!
Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Things are heating up inside as well: Baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake.
Things are heating up inside as well: Baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Still a squash, people! Next week we upgrade!
I don't look like I am carrying a squash, I look like I am carrying a basketball. I actually really love my big belly - except at night! I can't find a comfortable position. I end up trying different pillow combinations and that never work and huffing and puffing every time I turn over. And if the baby wakes up he sometimes decides it's a great time to do a little dance and some gymnastics - at 3 am. Not like he has any concept of time. But when I look over to my sweet husband dreaming away - well, let's just say envious is an understatement.
And speaking of sleeping - what is up with these dreams?!? I know you are supposed to have some vivid dreams due to hormones in the third trimester and I have definitely experienced this. And when I say vivid, I mean that I have woken up and yelled, hit Matt in the face by accident and also just believed that these things really happened.
Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks:
John Mayer moves into my mom's neighborhood and drives a white Mercedes around (no idea on this one)
An alligator and Java have a stand off and Java doesn't win - this is a bad one and sometimes takes place in my grandfather's backyard
I nurse a baby panda (lovely - I blame this solely on watching a PBS special about baby pandas recently)
I fold baby clothes over and over from a never-ending pile (probably just a vision of what's to come)
I can't nurse the baby and I try to get Matt to (this is a hazy one, but obviously worth mentioning)
So now you know my weird and very anxiety driven subconscious. You might think I am nuts, but no I am just 32 weeks pregnant.
I don't look like I am carrying a squash, I look like I am carrying a basketball. I actually really love my big belly - except at night! I can't find a comfortable position. I end up trying different pillow combinations and that never work and huffing and puffing every time I turn over. And if the baby wakes up he sometimes decides it's a great time to do a little dance and some gymnastics - at 3 am. Not like he has any concept of time. But when I look over to my sweet husband dreaming away - well, let's just say envious is an understatement.
And speaking of sleeping - what is up with these dreams?!? I know you are supposed to have some vivid dreams due to hormones in the third trimester and I have definitely experienced this. And when I say vivid, I mean that I have woken up and yelled, hit Matt in the face by accident and also just believed that these things really happened.
Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks:
John Mayer moves into my mom's neighborhood and drives a white Mercedes around (no idea on this one)
An alligator and Java have a stand off and Java doesn't win - this is a bad one and sometimes takes place in my grandfather's backyard
I nurse a baby panda (lovely - I blame this solely on watching a PBS special about baby pandas recently)
I fold baby clothes over and over from a never-ending pile (probably just a vision of what's to come)
I can't nurse the baby and I try to get Matt to (this is a hazy one, but obviously worth mentioning)
So now you know my weird and very anxiety driven subconscious. You might think I am nuts, but no I am just 32 weeks pregnant.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
So we are at 31 weeks! I remember thinking 30 weeks seemed so far a long and so far away! And here we are - past it. Still, I am feeling relatively good minus the inconsistent sleep. If I am not getting up to go to the bathroom, I am trying to find a comfortable position that doesn't cause hip pain. And if the baby wakes up, he kicks me and rolls around for a good 20 minutes before I can get back to sleep. How's Matt doing, you might be wondering? From what I can gather from his sound and peaceful look, he is sleeping great! He'd better get it while he can, I guess!
Lots of big things coming up - Emily's wedding in which I will be the "pregnant bridesmaid" in Asheville, childbirth class (I am sure that will be a long post), final touches on the nursery (why is it so hard to find simple neutral bedding that isn't covered in characters) and oh yeah - I will be having a baby in October! Not to mention work, freelance and AIGA stuff.
I need to post some pics of the ridiculously cute stuff I got from the shower. We have a new camera and I am anxious to try it out, so maybe this weekend.
Lots of big things coming up - Emily's wedding in which I will be the "pregnant bridesmaid" in Asheville, childbirth class (I am sure that will be a long post), final touches on the nursery (why is it so hard to find simple neutral bedding that isn't covered in characters) and oh yeah - I will be having a baby in October! Not to mention work, freelance and AIGA stuff.
I need to post some pics of the ridiculously cute stuff I got from the shower. We have a new camera and I am anxious to try it out, so maybe this weekend.
Monday, August 16, 2010
As baby's skin smoothes out, his brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. He's also adding some brawn -- his grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.
So, I haven't gotten a lot of pics from the shower yet. Especially showing off my cute loot! I promise I will put some more up as soon as people send them to me (ahem...).
In the meantime, here are a couple of pics of me and my lovely ladies.
Here I am with my Parker Ladies! Anna (Matt's sister if you can't tell), Tessa (Matt's brother Ben's wife) and Ruth (my mom-in-law)!
Martha (Matt's Aunt) and my mama, Jo.
You can't tell how cute Leah's house was! She is the ultimate hostess and I was so happy and honored that she provided the perfect place for the shower - I've certainly spent enough time there.
In the meantime, here are a couple of pics of me and my lovely ladies.
Here I am with my Parker Ladies! Anna (Matt's sister if you can't tell), Tessa (Matt's brother Ben's wife) and Ruth (my mom-in-law)!
Martha (Matt's Aunt) and my mama, Jo.
You can't tell how cute Leah's house was! She is the ultimate hostess and I was so happy and honored that she provided the perfect place for the shower - I've certainly spent enough time there.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Today starts Week 29 and this weekend was the perfect way to kick off a new week in pregnancy I had the best baby shower and felt so lucky to be surrounded by so many special people. Not only did Baby P get hooked up with some awesome stuff, we got so many things we desperately needed! There are just so many things new parents need, it can be very overwhelming. Pics from the shower and the new and improved nursery are coming up!
In the meantime, we have graduated to a new fruit (or is it a vegetable)?
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
In the meantime, we have graduated to a new fruit (or is it a vegetable)?
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Check out the pregnant lady and propane tanks! Matt said that should be the title of this post because that's how we roll down here in the South. I ain't wearin' any shoes either. Classy!
Here is the latest baby bump update! We have really taken off here, people. 28 weeks and I am really looking it (and feeling it). Funny thing is, from my perspective my belly isn't that huge. Sleeping through the night is a thing of the past - what with the frequent bathroom visits and switching from side to side (no more back sleeping for me) but I feel relatively good. I could really do without the new bedfellow we have - the body pillow. I am pretty sure Matt could do without it, too. It's literally as big as a person and while it keeps me rolling onto my back, it also keeps me from sleeping very well. I guess I am going to have to get used to that.
I had the Gestational Diabetes Test on Tuesday and passed. I was a little nervous about it but it was really no big deal. And Baby P loved the straight sugar concoction I had to drink. He was dancing around all morning.
Here is the latest baby bump update! We have really taken off here, people. 28 weeks and I am really looking it (and feeling it). Funny thing is, from my perspective my belly isn't that huge. Sleeping through the night is a thing of the past - what with the frequent bathroom visits and switching from side to side (no more back sleeping for me) but I feel relatively good. I could really do without the new bedfellow we have - the body pillow. I am pretty sure Matt could do without it, too. It's literally as big as a person and while it keeps me rolling onto my back, it also keeps me from sleeping very well. I guess I am going to have to get used to that.
I had the Gestational Diabetes Test on Tuesday and passed. I was a little nervous about it but it was really no big deal. And Baby P loved the straight sugar concoction I had to drink. He was dancing around all morning.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
This weekend shaped up to be pretty eventful. The big news is that John was moved back up to the majors from the minors and then proceeded to hit a home run today against the Mets! To say that I am proud of him is an understatement. It takes me a while to wrap my head around it!
In other more normal life news, Matt and I made major nursery progress - including a trip to Ikea that seriously threatened my sanity (and his) and we got into a day care! If you live in Atlanta, you know that getting into a good daycare is notoriously responsible for sending parents into a desperate frenzy with rumors of multi-year long wait lists, insane cost, etc. I am one of these (soon-to-be) parents, by the way. It's really too bad that good, affordable childcare options are such a hot commodity in intown Atlanta. I guess it's one of the cons to living down here. But luckily we found out we got into a great little school in Grant Park called Urban Explorers! Baby P will be going 2 days a week, which we are very lucky Matt's schedule allows. They are opening a new school and a new infant room, thus giving us a spot. I am looking forward to meeting the other parents and having a great little community to be involved with.
Ok, so on to the really fun stuff. First - I need to be excused for the horrendous photo quality of my pics (Mom- remember that D-SLR you wanted to let me "borrow". Well, now you see why I really need it). Honestly, I really didn't feel like retaking them or retouching - sorry to all my photog and designer peeps out there!
Although Ikea was a like a special circle of hell on Saturday, it ended up being a productive trip with lots of loot! I went with a very specific list and Matt in tow (he volunteered, I swear). The best thing we scored? The rug for the nursery - $20! And the modernist, curvy lamp I am in love with for the dresser.

In other more normal life news, Matt and I made major nursery progress - including a trip to Ikea that seriously threatened my sanity (and his) and we got into a day care! If you live in Atlanta, you know that getting into a good daycare is notoriously responsible for sending parents into a desperate frenzy with rumors of multi-year long wait lists, insane cost, etc. I am one of these (soon-to-be) parents, by the way. It's really too bad that good, affordable childcare options are such a hot commodity in intown Atlanta. I guess it's one of the cons to living down here. But luckily we found out we got into a great little school in Grant Park called Urban Explorers! Baby P will be going 2 days a week, which we are very lucky Matt's schedule allows. They are opening a new school and a new infant room, thus giving us a spot. I am looking forward to meeting the other parents and having a great little community to be involved with.
Ok, so on to the really fun stuff. First - I need to be excused for the horrendous photo quality of my pics (Mom- remember that D-SLR you wanted to let me "borrow". Well, now you see why I really need it). Honestly, I really didn't feel like retaking them or retouching - sorry to all my photog and designer peeps out there!
Although Ikea was a like a special circle of hell on Saturday, it ended up being a productive trip with lots of loot! I went with a very specific list and Matt in tow (he volunteered, I swear). The best thing we scored? The rug for the nursery - $20! And the modernist, curvy lamp I am in love with for the dresser.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The screenprints I ordered from Bee Thing's Etsy store (oh, Etsy how I love thee) and they are so perfect. I couldn't choose between these two, so I decided to get them both since they remind me of daytime and nighttime. I can't wait to put them over the crib. I love them so. Check it out:
Friday, July 23, 2010
This weekend, Matt is in Tybee Island on another Parker-Man Adventure with his dad and brother. They are canoeing out to Little Tybee Island to sit in the 100 degree heat and swarms of South Georgia bugs. "But it's going to be so awesome!", says Matt. I had to break the news to him that I was really sorry my almost 27 week pregnant-ness wouldn't be making this trip (plus, I am not sure I was invited?) he took off last night and now I have my little house all to myself. For the whole weekend! It dawned on me that - well, this might be the last time I am alone for a really long time. Like 18 years? Maybe THAT'S why I couldn't sleep last night! Anyway, I plan on relaxing this weekend and maybe getting some Baby P shopping done. Or I might just lounge around the house and watch bad tv. Either way - I am going to enjoy it while it's here.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Baby P is becoming increasingly jumpy and loves to kick and roll around while I am at my desk at work - after a little bite to eat, of course. Whenever Matt puts his hand on my belly to feel, he slows down or stops all together - but he's gotten to feel a couple of good kicks here and there.
In other news, the nursery is really cute if I do say so myself. We have a big decor shopping trip coming up (Ikea here we come) so once we get some stuff on the walls I'll post some pics.
Life is moving very quickly all of a sudden. 25 weeks, work, freelance, house, showers, everything. And something tells me it's going to stay this way for - oh, the next 18 years. C'est la vie!
In other news, the nursery is really cute if I do say so myself. We have a big decor shopping trip coming up (Ikea here we come) so once we get some stuff on the walls I'll post some pics.
Life is moving very quickly all of a sudden. 25 weeks, work, freelance, house, showers, everything. And something tells me it's going to stay this way for - oh, the next 18 years. C'est la vie!
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My sister took this while I was lounging at my mom's over the weekend. The bump in full force. Wowzers.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Baby P's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
Monday, June 28, 2010
As promised, I am going to post our dresser refinishing project (totally inspired by Young House Love) complete with a play by play by yours truly. Excited, yet?
Here is our Craigslist "before" pic. $50 and it was ours. You remember this beauty:
After sanding the veneer and painting the top, we had this lovely piece (the lighting and gorgeous accent lamp from college doesn't help). Neither does the dry wall that's just hanging out in the background. But we were getting somewhere.
Next up was the staining process which started early Saturday morning in our "work room", the back porch in 95 degree weather.
Hey! There's Matt! I know it doesn't look like it, but I swear he has pants on.
Hey! There's my belly and me staining away. Cute angle of the baby bump, huh? Actually, I've included this pic because of the prominent dog tounge featured in the background. Boone makes yet another cameo. Who knows where Java was - probably off with Duck Baby (who is alive and well).
The finished product! I skipped the rest of the process because I don't want to lose what little readership I have. Behold my new mod dresser! It's even better than I hoped it would turn out. Matt added some legs to give it a lighter look and to match the crib, but he forgot I am only 5'3" and it's a little too short. So, we'll have to take it down a couple of inches.
Here is our Craigslist "before" pic. $50 and it was ours. You remember this beauty:
After sanding the veneer and painting the top, we had this lovely piece (the lighting and gorgeous accent lamp from college doesn't help). Neither does the dry wall that's just hanging out in the background. But we were getting somewhere.
Next up was the staining process which started early Saturday morning in our "work room", the back porch in 95 degree weather.
Hey! There's Matt! I know it doesn't look like it, but I swear he has pants on.
Hey! There's my belly and me staining away. Cute angle of the baby bump, huh? Actually, I've included this pic because of the prominent dog tounge featured in the background. Boone makes yet another cameo. Who knows where Java was - probably off with Duck Baby (who is alive and well).
The finished product! I skipped the rest of the process because I don't want to lose what little readership I have. Behold my new mod dresser! It's even better than I hoped it would turn out. Matt added some legs to give it a lighter look and to match the crib, but he forgot I am only 5'3" and it's a little too short. So, we'll have to take it down a couple of inches.
Things are starting to come together!
This weekend was super busy. We started to refinish the dresser, Matt finished the trim in the baby's room and I finally finished registering. My sister and Mom met me for the registry blitz and it was pretty overwhelming! Like 5 hours of overwhelming. I am so glad they donated their time to helping me figure out all that we will need, but I am pretty sure they wanted to do a little Baby P shopping, too. It was hard for us to stay focused on the big stuff and not get sidetracked with the cute clothes. One thing is for sure: between two Grandmommys and three Aunties, I think Baby P is not going to have a shortage of lovely ladies who want to spoil him! Oh and add Mama in there, too.
I can't wait to show everyone the finished dresser! My back was paying for it this weekend, but it's really going to look great. It's exciting to see the room coming together. I keep looking at the crib and thinking, "my child is going to be sleeping in there soon - so surreal!"
In other news - I am 23 weeks today and my baby "bump" is now much more than a bump. I am still feeling great but it sure is hard to get out of bed in the morning. Oh wait, that was pre-pregnancy, too. Baby P is moving around a lot and Matt can feel it every once in a while, which is fun. But due to the anterior positioning of my placenta (non-Dr.'s terms: it's in the front), it might be a little longer until he is getting the full force kicks. He's still a papaya!
And since Matt doesn't get enough love on the blog, I will post some pics of his handsome face working on our various projects. I really don't know how any of this would get done without him. Here's a secret - sometimes I say "WE did this" or "WE did that" - well sometimes it's really "MATT did that". I gotta give him his props. I am one lucky lady. Maybe I can even coax him into modeling with the new Baby Bjorn Leigh got us! That would really be something worth checking back for.
I can't wait to show everyone the finished dresser! My back was paying for it this weekend, but it's really going to look great. It's exciting to see the room coming together. I keep looking at the crib and thinking, "my child is going to be sleeping in there soon - so surreal!"
In other news - I am 23 weeks today and my baby "bump" is now much more than a bump. I am still feeling great but it sure is hard to get out of bed in the morning. Oh wait, that was pre-pregnancy, too. Baby P is moving around a lot and Matt can feel it every once in a while, which is fun. But due to the anterior positioning of my placenta (non-Dr.'s terms: it's in the front), it might be a little longer until he is getting the full force kicks. He's still a papaya!
And since Matt doesn't get enough love on the blog, I will post some pics of his handsome face working on our various projects. I really don't know how any of this would get done without him. Here's a secret - sometimes I say "WE did this" or "WE did that" - well sometimes it's really "MATT did that". I gotta give him his props. I am one lucky lady. Maybe I can even coax him into modeling with the new Baby Bjorn Leigh got us! That would really be something worth checking back for.
Friday, June 25, 2010
In design school - and with work - we come up with mood boards in order to visualize and create a certain look or feel for a project. Textures, colors and inspiration all make up an overall theme. So when I finally started to get a more concrete idea of the nursery, I wanted to throw together a little mini-mood board. Bonus to you, readers: this will also illustrate to everyone what a dork I am.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop. * the
Baby P made his first trip to the beach this weekend - although it was in utero. We went to Tybee Island for Keeb and Taylor's wedding. We stayed in a little cottage close to the beach with Steph, Bryan, Jack, Kim and Ryan. Little Steph and her husband, Hal hung out on Saturday night. It was so fun to have everyone together, even though I turned in around 11:30. I can't hang like I used to! I will blame it on Baby P, not my age or the fact that I wasn't drinking.
Sunday was Matt's semi-Father's day and since his parents were in town visiting Ben and Tessa, we met up with them for a yummy Father's Day lunch in Savannah. It really worked out well that we were able to spend some time with Matt's mom and dad and it's always fun to see Ben and Tessa. I wish we lived closer!
In other news - the crib is being put together and I am having a bedding dilemma. Stay tuned for updates. I know - it sounds so exciting.
Baby P made his first trip to the beach this weekend - although it was in utero. We went to Tybee Island for Keeb and Taylor's wedding. We stayed in a little cottage close to the beach with Steph, Bryan, Jack, Kim and Ryan. Little Steph and her husband, Hal hung out on Saturday night. It was so fun to have everyone together, even though I turned in around 11:30. I can't hang like I used to! I will blame it on Baby P, not my age or the fact that I wasn't drinking.
Sunday was Matt's semi-Father's day and since his parents were in town visiting Ben and Tessa, we met up with them for a yummy Father's Day lunch in Savannah. It really worked out well that we were able to spend some time with Matt's mom and dad and it's always fun to see Ben and Tessa. I wish we lived closer!
In other news - the crib is being put together and I am having a bedding dilemma. Stay tuned for updates. I know - it sounds so exciting.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
And if you are cool, you get my reference in the title of this blog post.
So much has happened this past week! We purchased a car and got rid of Matt's legendary old Blue Truck. That deserves it's own post.
We painted the nursery and finally ordered the crib! Pics to come. The nursery is "Silver Threads" and we used the non toxic paint by Olympic which is awesome! No fumes. I would highly recommend it for anyone - knocked up or not.
Now, I am just waffling on the bedding. I had to have my resident interior decorator and lover of all things fabric and prints, Leah, over to help advise. Thinking I would do custom, but now leaning towards something easier and more wallet friendly (did I mention we got a new car - this does wonders for a ballooning nursery budget). And once Matt reminded me that, "Ann, the baby is going to poop and spit up on whatever you put in there", I started to rethink some things. Baby P can still be stylish no matter of budget, right?
Hope to get some photos up before we leave for Keeb's wedding weekend at Tybee Island! It will be a much needed break for us.
Here's what Baby P is up to this week (beside dancing around and kicking me in the bladder after every meal). Big fan of spicy foods - or maybe not?
So much has happened this past week! We purchased a car and got rid of Matt's legendary old Blue Truck. That deserves it's own post.
We painted the nursery and finally ordered the crib! Pics to come. The nursery is "Silver Threads" and we used the non toxic paint by Olympic which is awesome! No fumes. I would highly recommend it for anyone - knocked up or not.
Now, I am just waffling on the bedding. I had to have my resident interior decorator and lover of all things fabric and prints, Leah, over to help advise. Thinking I would do custom, but now leaning towards something easier and more wallet friendly (did I mention we got a new car - this does wonders for a ballooning nursery budget). And once Matt reminded me that, "Ann, the baby is going to poop and spit up on whatever you put in there", I started to rethink some things. Baby P can still be stylish no matter of budget, right?
Hope to get some photos up before we leave for Keeb's wedding weekend at Tybee Island! It will be a much needed break for us.
Here's what Baby P is up to this week (beside dancing around and kicking me in the bladder after every meal). Big fan of spicy foods - or maybe not?
Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, if baby is a girl, her womb is now stocked up with her lifetime supply of six million eggs (the number will drop to around one million by birth).
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I guess my mother's intuition was right. Sorry I have been late on my weekly update but we have been so busy this weekend - car shopping = not fun. Plus, we were really in the clouds with finding out we are having a little boy yesterday morning! We are so excited and I think everyone else is, too. Matt hasn't stopped smiling since yesterday at 8:40 AM. For those of you who don't know, he had convinced himself it was a girl. So, it was a great reaction that had me laughing and crying at the same time. Think: "hit by a bus but really happy about it".
I'll update with photos later and a little synopsis!
By the way, we are a cantaloupe this week! And I am starting to look like it.
Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch. *From The
I guess my mother's intuition was right. Sorry I have been late on my weekly update but we have been so busy this weekend - car shopping = not fun. Plus, we were really in the clouds with finding out we are having a little boy yesterday morning! We are so excited and I think everyone else is, too. Matt hasn't stopped smiling since yesterday at 8:40 AM. For those of you who don't know, he had convinced himself it was a girl. So, it was a great reaction that had me laughing and crying at the same time. Think: "hit by a bus but really happy about it".
I'll update with photos later and a little synopsis!
By the way, we are a cantaloupe this week! And I am starting to look like it.
Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch. *From The
Thursday, June 3, 2010
So, I am feeling a little down today and I'll blame it on the hormones. I thought I would cheer myself up by posting some updates to my new favorite design project - the baby's room! We can't wait until Monday at 8:30 am to find out the sex so we can get to painting!
Check out my new rocking chair. I found one I was in love with a few months ago for $400. My criteria: upholstered, not too puffy and modern-ish. I loved the exposed wooden rockers (this pic doesn't do it justice, really). After some bargain shopping, I came across this beauty for under $200 at WalMart. Score! The slip cover needs to be ironed, but you get the idea.
Next up: the dresser/changing table. I really didn't want to do a matchy nursery and most of the furniture I came across was too traditional and "serious", too baby-ish, or too expensive. After reading this awesome entry on Young House Love, I was inspired to do something similar. Ok, very similar. Thus began my Craigslist search for a retro looking dresser with semi-straight lines and a touch of funkiness. I found this for $50:
Now it looks like this:
But after a staining job, some paint and adding legs to the bottom -
It's going to look like this, sorta:
(photo from Young House Love- this is not our dresser - yet)
Ok and seriously, how awesome is this stuffed wiener dog from Etsy? Might be making an appearance in the Baby P nursery. Stay tuned to find out the color scheme ;)
Check out my new rocking chair. I found one I was in love with a few months ago for $400. My criteria: upholstered, not too puffy and modern-ish. I loved the exposed wooden rockers (this pic doesn't do it justice, really). After some bargain shopping, I came across this beauty for under $200 at WalMart. Score! The slip cover needs to be ironed, but you get the idea.
Next up: the dresser/changing table. I really didn't want to do a matchy nursery and most of the furniture I came across was too traditional and "serious", too baby-ish, or too expensive. After reading this awesome entry on Young House Love, I was inspired to do something similar. Ok, very similar. Thus began my Craigslist search for a retro looking dresser with semi-straight lines and a touch of funkiness. I found this for $50:
Now it looks like this:
But after a staining job, some paint and adding legs to the bottom -
It's going to look like this, sorta:
(photo from Young House Love- this is not our dresser - yet)
Ok and seriously, how awesome is this stuffed wiener dog from Etsy? Might be making an appearance in the Baby P nursery. Stay tuned to find out the color scheme ;)
Monday, May 31, 2010
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