Monday, May 31, 2010

19 Week Baby Bump

Holy bump!
Boonie really loves being in photos, by the way. As usual, Java is shying from the limelight.

Ok, so I admit it...

I had a minor craving this morning. Minor as in the first thing I said when I woke up was, "Dunkin' Donuts with Sprinkles". I am not really a sweets person and have mostly wanted salty, sour tastes during pregnancy. The great thing about being married to someone I have been with for 10+ years - osmosis of the mind! No sooner than I had said it, Matt was up and dressed, heading down Candler Rd. Ok, so osmosis of the mind is stretching it - I am pretty sure it's not too hard to make someone want donuts. So we'll call it power of suggestion. But look! It worked on Boone, too. Java was patiently waiting for crumbs in her usual hangout: under me by coffee table. Smart girl.

Sidenote: did I say recently that I hadn't gained any weight yet? 

Week 19 - Mango tango

Baby P's sensory development is exploding! His/her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she/he may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.

Baby P  weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom. His/her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. His/her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

I have never been excited about a closet - until now. Oh, how life has changed.

As many of you know, we live in a fairly old house that makes up in character what it lacks in size. That is what I tell myself at least. So when we found out we were expecting, the first thing we thought was  - the guest room needs some serious work. For starters - it had some mysterious paneling that moved around when we touched it.  For the past 3+ years we have been saying - "one day we'll take it down and see what's under there - if we really even want to know". Last month Matt put on a Hepa mask and ripped it out to find the original walls (in pretty bad shape) and a random door! But still, it was better than what I was expecting - asbestos, black mold, a colony of mice, insert any other old house grossness here. Thus began the process of covering the old plaster walls with drywall and removing said creepy door. Matt's dad came over and put in some time helping build the closet (thanks Joel!)  A couple of weeks later and we have a real closet! Now onto polyurethaning the floors (today's project), putting up the trim and painting.

Excuse the horrible quality of these photos. We had everything pushed against the wall so I couldn't get far enough away to take a good pic. Note to self - charge the camera because the iPhone ain't cuttin' it.

Creepy door to nowhere:

Resembling a closet:

Not too bad if I do say so myself.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A little sweet potato!

Baby P: Week 18

Baby P has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This past weekend was a mixture of surrealness, pride and family time - lots of family time. The Diamondbacks played the Braves and we all got to cheer on John at the hometown field! I have to admit, it's pretty weird to see your "little" brother playing in a huge stadium with his face 10 stories high on a Jumbotron. I was so glad we got to go and will always remember seeing him walk out on the field! When one of your siblings becomes a semi-celebrity, you can pretty much assume that sibling rivalry is settled forever. Now it's just up to Leigh and I to keep him grounded and it's a pretty tough task. So John, don't be expecting any celebrity treatment from your sisters - we are still the bosses of you. Love ya, Johnny! *Photo cred to Nick Humphries.

So, I'm not the only one feeling maternal in the Parker house....

Our little chocolate girl, Java  - who has earned a reputation for being a tough little cookie - has all of a sudden adopted one of cousin Bella's ( Leigh & Clint's dog and her arch-rival) stuffed animals. Now, anyone who has been over to my house or had the pleasure of spending time with our beloved Boone and Java know that - well, they aren't exactly the laid back, domestic types. In fact, we only give them bones because  cute little "toys" ended up violently murdered and mutilated in about 2 minutes flat. Enter "Duck Baby", who is really an Aflac Duck with a t-shirt on. After this weekend's visit and Bella's generosity, Duck Baby has become a new member of the family. Yes, he has been sewn up once; but Java has carried him around and cuddled with him since Saturday! I guess I felt this was deserving of a blog entry because of it's sheer weirdness considering Java's past. It's really just so cute to see her being a little mommy, although I have a feeling Duck Baby's days are numbered. I am sure like any mama, Java will eventually decide her "child" needs to be taught a lesson. But for now, we will enjoy the maternal instinct that is spreading throughout the little house on Chevelle Lane. See the cuteness below...

Oh, we'll throw in a gratuitous Boone photo, too. Double the cuteness! Here's Boone with his "baby" - the BALL.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Look what we found!

Yes, that is the infamous UppaBaby in my living room with Matt at the helm. He's really giving Vanna White a run for her money! So before you all have heart attacks  - let me tell you that this baby is a Craigslist special! I have been checking out the ATL Craigslist postings for a few weeks to see if I could get lucky. And I did! We scored the stroller with all the accessories we needed for a sweet price. It's gently used and I really couldn't believe they were selling it. But as they say - one man's used UppaBaby is another man's new UppaBaby. Hooray for frugality!

Baby P: Week 17

Baby P's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Doctors appointments were never so fun. Or Mondays for that matter.

Yesterday was my 16 week appointment. I knew I wasn't going to get to see the baby this time, but they listened to the heartbeat - which for some reason made me cry more than any ultrasound! I am pretty sure it's some pregnancy hormones kicking in, but it was kind of embarrassing when I snorted through my tearful apology for being so overly emotional. But hey - this lady sees a lot more embarrassing things than that. Everything looked and felt great. I had some blood taken and that was it. I have become pretty good at the needle thing now - considering that usually the anxiety makes me want to pass out. Oh and I haven't gained any weight! That alone is enough to make me think I am in a parallel universe (sorry, LOST is on tonight). The last bit of goodness from this visit - the big ultrasound is scheduled for June 7th. Thankfully, it's first thing in the morning and I don't have to suffer through a whole day of waiting. Get your gender votes going, people!

Lots of updates on the way! Pinky swear.

This weekend didn't result in a major blog update as I had planned. I will be posting an update this week! Here's a teaser: Craigslist is amazing, 16 week check up, maternity jeans and a closet is born! That should keep you in suspense for a bit. I am sure I just lost any male audience I had.

More soon!

16 weeks!

Baby P's now the size of an avocado!
Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean he/she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

Monday, May 3, 2010

15 Weeks

Baby P's now the size of a naval orange!
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his/her arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Bump Cometh

Derby Day was fabulous and we had a great time with some dear friends. I am always to honored that I have the opportunity to be involved with Shepherd Center's Derby Day and it's so fun to get to the event and see all of the signage, t-shirts, programs, koozie, etc. looking great! No mint juleps for me this year, but we did win $15 big ones and our neighbor won a free haircut and color which he gave to me, and some spa services for his wife. So, in all, we were a lucky group.

Yesterday I wore a dress and realized - I am lookin' a little pregnant! You can't tell as much when I am wearing my jeans (which are getting tighter daily - thank god for the Bella Band) but dresses let it all hang out, so to speak. Here's a pic Matt snapped of me before we left. *Excuse my closed eyes. I swear I wasn't trying to look all dramatic and ethereal. 

Next up - I will post the progress of the closet being built in the spare room (baby's room). Matt and his Dad are banging away at it right now. Off to watch the Diamondback's game!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Stroller Situation

It's no secret that Matt and I aren't exactly well versed in all things baby. We only have about a (small) hand full of people in our lives with kids. Now, that might say something about our social group or it could be that we are about to be in for a major baby boom! That being said - we have ZERO clue when it comes to the overwhelming world of baby gear. I pretty much just ask everyone I know with little ones about what they use and like - resulting in a very good cross section of prices, styles, etc. Well, enter the UppaBaby. I had never heard of this holy grail of strollers until my wonderful boss, Jae got one for her little Thomas. She has been adamant that this is the only stroller to get and my research has convinced me, too. I love this stroller. Wow, I have NEVER uttered those words in my life. What I don't love about it - the price tag! I will not post the price here, because my family and in-laws are reading this and they might just have a heart attack. I will let you, dear readers, google it. The Pros: the UppaBaby includes a bassinet, the baby can face either direction, it folds up compactly, it's the only stroller that gets an "A" grade in my baby product book (get this book if you are pregnant or have kids, it's awesome), grows with your family (you won't have to get another one), foam tires, and it only weighs 20lbs! The Cons: the price. I am scouring Craigslist as we speak! Behold the greatness:

We are off to the 2010 Shepherd Center Derby Day on this overcast Saturday! I am liking "Backtalk" just because that is such a sweet name. No mint juleps for me this year but I am looking forward to to watching the races out in a field. With a bunch of drunk people. And Yacht Rock (if you don't know, please see the awesomeness here).